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Tracking friends and strangers using WhatsApp (robertheaton.com)
828 points by robheaton on Oct 9, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 150 comments

A few weeks ago there was a similar discussion, and I commented the following:

If you think there is no problem, you are wrong. The blog post does not show all the information leaks that this implies. Example: I can modify the script to monitor all the numbers I've in my phone, so that based on the online/offline status in a few weeks I can be able to guess who is having conversations together, discovering cheatings, work affairs, ... EDIT: Practical example. After collecting enough data about user X I create a table about the probability of this user being online in a given few-minutes time ranges. Then I check the online frequency of that user compared to the online statuses of another user Y. If the difference compared to the expected probability is significant, than I can suspect the two are chatting. Another thing I can use is that attivation delay of the online status, since often X sends a message to Y and this results in, a few seconds after, Y to be online, and then the contrary.

[then an HN user said she/he was not sure this was serious because maybe the users casually had similar patterns, so I replied:]

If you check the model I described in my comment, it should filter the "bus problem", since it will detect a chat only if, compared to the standard "bus time" probability of the user A chatting, it is chatting more if in the same range also B is chatting. If you add to this that people on Whatsapp usually do not talk to the exact minutes, it is definitely possible to create a robust system for guessing with good probability of two have often conversations. Also note that the phone numbers in input are not random, are the ones of a connected circle of persons. Add to this the fact that we can split the ranges even, potentially, by few minutes, and you can even detect interesting stuff for people having continuos chats with multiple persons like teenagers. Another thing that is possible probably is also "groups detection", since at new messages a set of users will activate at the same time.

[And the attack can be refined a lot with more powerful mathematical approaches]

Once I hacked together a similar program to log the terminal activity of fellow students on the university UNIX and Linux servers: https://github.com/andyn/actspy/blob/master/actspy.c

The main objective, however, was not to stalk innocent users but to catch an anonymous IRC troll who was using an identless shell server in order to hide their real account name. Every time the troll wrote to IRC, the activity logger program showed typing activity from a certain user. After a few message exchanges during quiet night hours I was able to reliably pinpoint them.

So what happened after finding out who it was?

That'll be the boring part of the story. I just /msged her primary nick and asked nicely if it was possible to stop. Apparently the threat of losing anonymity is enough to turn trolls back to normal people.

This is, in a nutshell, the secret of the internet.

The troll was never heard from again. He was made to "disappear" :D

I'm using an xposed mod to continually be online on WhatsApp, even when my phone's screen if off. Would this thwart such attacks? I mean it would be an anomaly, but other than that I don't know what other information you could get, except the last Online/Offline never changing.

It confuses my friends though, who write me more at night times than usually, luckily though I've a DnD mode that saves me from waking up. (confuses gf too)

Please finish this story.

This isn’t just necessarily a problem with WhatsApp. The same applies to IRC, if you set away states.

Even if you don’t set away states, one can simply monitor every channel you’re in, every message you send, and then quickly determine what timezone you’re in, when you sleep, when you’re on vacation, etc.

Here’s an example graph of a user, every dot is a message: https://i.imgur.com/DrgVvVw.png and here one from a user with more regular sleep patterns: https://i.imgur.com/a1xdSqR.png (notice the timezone transition when daylight savings time starts? And notice how the user takes about 2 weeks to adjust?)

In chat applications, those features were the first to get disabled. As I recall, one of the MSN Messenger features required you to sign in before you disabled it.

Anyhow, I'd disable showing online status, typing status, or automatically changing status based on activity.

This was a decade and a half ago, probably longer. The principle remains the same. No, no I don't want you to know when I'm in front of my computer, typing, or otherwise. If I want to appear online, I'll manually do so.

Those graphs are determined purely from messages - no away states, nothing

There's no way to disable that.

See also: timestamps when HN comments are posted.

This is much more interesting because pretty much everyone only participates in discussions when posts are on the front page - it would be tough to schedule/delay a post and stay relevant. Also, the lock-in after 1 hour (or a reply) preventing deletion is huge.

Some HN participants are now kind of "whales" in the startup community - at the very least, this info could be used to schedule cold-pitch emails! (And this is across the entire archive of past users, not just current users. These habits need not necessarily change much.)

Timestamp metadata is all over the place - GitHub activity graph, blog post comments, etc. -- merging timestamps for the same person across their accounts on all the different services offers amazing insights.

The only way to "disable" this is to schedule things or provide garbage data (only when user input is given precedence - like with this tool: https://www.laurencegellert.com/software/github-graph-builde...).

Github activity profiles.

Reason #32* to avoid the application.

* Entirely made up number.

If you're in a group chat, anyone that is in the same chats can see all your messages in there.

That's the one and simple trick.

Correct, but this doesn't appear to be group chat. This appears to be individual chat and the timing attacks based on their online presence. Group chat, by default, is going to seriously hinder one's ability to remain private.

Waybackwhen in 1998, when ICQ was a thing, I had an ICQ client on my Amiga that was scriptable. It was fairly trivial to write a quick program to tell it to change status at random times, to confuse people as to my whereabouts.

Yikes, that second person is almost robotic in their sleep patterns.

Actually, most normal working people are similar to the second person.

Only few people have sleep patterns like me (first, erratic graph), and I have them because I spend often my nights working on projects, trying to build new products, and once I've started one, it's hard to stop.

I don't think one of them can be a working person. Both are texting all the time while they're awake.

Both of them are working, and have full jobs. The texts captured included technical support channels, slack-irc bridges, and more.

wow! I find the images creepy and amazing at the same time :)

PS: It's not so much the images themselves but what they mean i.e. this analysis :)

Most Tor busts follow a similar pattern, watching both ends of the connection.

There is a real need for a "tor delay" metadata-disruption-as-a-service, where random strangers invoke one another's web callbacks and report back the result in exchange for Bitcoin (Strangers on a Train -style). Someone put it on the block chain and start an ICO!

same risk as hosting an exit node. It could take a while convincing police that you obfuscated traffic patterns without any involvement in the crimes they're after. I think most people wouldn't want to take that risk.

Either you are missing the point or I am.

As I understand random strangers are logged on to tor and invoke each others' callbacks and give back results. Since all of them are anonymized, This is not at all similar to an exit node.

The only purpose of this is to make tor packet traffic patterns hard to follow :)

This could be a service, but not sure if this can be filtered out by the snooper. These will be one off requests from random nodes and will not affect your tor traffic pattern much because I posit the signal to noise ratio of your main activity will be pretty high. Hmm, :thinking: perhaps if we jack up this random traffic, would that hide your main traffic maybe.

Anyone who knows such analyses want to chime in? :)

The thing is, this method works pretty well if people are chatting in real time, if you wait like 10 minutes to answers messages, it is much more difficult to create the links.

Moreover if people are using all the time Whatsapp, it is again much more difficult to do.

But I agree with you, there are many situations where these could work

Unfortunately even under much more noise than the Whatsapp activation patterns, we have seen timing attacks working in incredible reliable ways, with the network in the middle adding random delays, and even when the task at hand was to misure very small differences in time. So I guess that if this attack already seems feasible in certain contexts, it can only get much better using more advanced techniques.

A similar indirect way can be used to extract information out of Google's database. For example, launch an ad-campaign for any product, directed at people who love cats. Now if people click on the ad and buy the product, you know they must love cats.

This might seem like a brilliant idea, but you'll run out of money before you map all people for all things.

If you have so much money (spit balling here), you could buy google itself I think

There are easier ways to get data on people like their social profiles, and other online breadcrumbs like yelp reviews, any digital footprint really.

Another way is to buy databases of people. People have databases of HNIs, etc that you can purchase. This of course doesn't lend itself to much analysis but if the main purpose was to market to them or something like that, then databases work best :)

I tried to do something like that over 2 years ago. I never got to work on the analyze part of the data. I still have a 2GB database of online/offline, status (text status thingy) and profile picture changes. Someday I'll get back to that data and analyze it.

If you trust those """services""" to be secure and trust that they care about your privacy, then you will be betrayed sooner or later, in ways you can't think of -- just like in the article.

Fun fact, years ago I accidentally found out that my girlfriend at the time cheated on me on Snapchat, without me actually exploiting anything. She told me to join it with her, telling me that is going to be fun. Snapchat kept track of useds' activity and gamified it to incentivize you by scoring your activity then. Each person has a public activity score when you tap on their profile. One day, I noticed that her Snapchat had more than twice the score that I had. So I clicked on her profile and there it is some strange dude having a score higher than me, it turned out that was her """"ex"""" (I actually never asked her even for his name before, I found out only after that). I never consciously looked for anything, I trusted her 100%, the score was just there on my screen.

Thanks Snapchat for their stupid gamification efforts, otherwise I would have wasted more time on her. But since that accident, I never trust proprietary shit that has money to make, ads to sell, governments to please, and incentives to grow, even it says its selling point is to protect your privacy, like Snapchat. It's not about the "end to end encryption" or "finer privacy control" or "only allow when app is in foreground" or "restricted sharing" or "MIT open sauce license" or "export your data" or "only listening to hotwords" or "open APIs," it's about the intent. If the intent was to expand and make money, then all those techs won't be the magic pill that suddenly cures the ill intent. Anyway, privacy my ass, man.

Wait, when you view her profile (as a friend), it shows who has the highest 'score' in terms of contact with her? Wow, that IS a lot of data if they break it down by contact pairs.

Snapchat used to publicly display each person's "best friends" list, but not anymore.

Yep. It was called Snapchat score or something. It had a list of top 3 people or so and how much score they had with each other. It was unreal.

This was back in spring-summer 2015.

Now it shows you the live current location of all your friends, no one I know has it turned off.

Wth people?

This setting doesn't seem to be enabled by default, at least on Android. I just scrolled into settings > Who can... See My Location >

Found it to be on "ghost mode (only me)." I never touched this setting before.

Only log me, but don't let my friends know: You know your privacy is respected jack shit when the least intrusive setting is letting the service know and log you, but not letting your friends know.

The real question isn't that what it sets by default, the question is why that chat app needs to know and log your location in the first place? Why does it not only get it and send it when you choose to share? What kind of enhancement does it give to your fucking """experience""" when it logs your location like that?

@cassowary, geotagging your photos can be done without logging your location on the server. It can be done locally. Plus, I thought that Snapchat does not keep the pictures you've taken? (I have been out of that since then, so I don't know.)

I'm not by any means a Snapchat power user. But I really like the way my phone tells me where my normal photos are taken — it makes it very easy to find the photos. Also, any chat app would benefit because it's very easy for me to remember "i was talking about foo with Bar when I was over in Baz", but much harder for me to remember when that happened. So to me location tracking would offer many useful features. (They may not be worth it, and even the useful ones might not be available, but those aren't answers to the question you asked.)

In Snapchat your location is used for the geofilters, I guess that's why they have to get your location. I do think they should have an option to turn off geofilters and not use your location at all though.

If you use the map it asks you if you want to turn it on, most people click through it looks like. Now someone write a PoC to keep a log of where everyone goes.

Dude was just curious, what services do you use now ?

I loved this article. It is beautifully written, given both the hacking curiosity on display as well as the real-world privacy impact it demonstrates. Most of my family use whats-app and would be mortified if they actually understood most of this. Not saying they would stop using it, as the trade-off is a great social app, but it would make them think more broadly about how the world is changing.

It takes a real turn towards developer centered humor with the opening line "With even more time on your hands than ever before, you go just a bit mad and start...". Great Deus ex Machina type segue into all out yummy tech craziness he relishes out.

It sort of reminds me of gonzo-style journalism. I took a look at their other articles, well some of them, and like their style. I'm not sure if it would appeal to a larger audience, but I liked it.

Nobody has to stop using WhatsApp, the scenario described in the article can be prevented simply by changing the app's privacy settings.

Wrong, if you deactivate the feature 'last seen at' it doesn't change anything because you can still get the same information with the feature 'is online now' and this feature can't be deactivated

What count as "online"? Using the app? Does the web app also track that? I don't think this is disclosed by facebook, it would be nice to experiment to check it.

AFAIK, having either the mobile app or web interface in the foreground.

Can't a user just remain logged-in on a second device 24/7?

IIRC you can't log in from two devices at once with WhatsApp.

Did he mean change it client-side, or if WhatsApp the company changes this setting to allow more privacy (allow users to hide their status).

AFAIK, it will display that the user is online (i.e: the user is using the app) regardless of the privacy setting.

Nevermind the clever writing but the issue has been known for years—and beautifully exploited with the selfhostable ready-made solution WhatsSpy Public since Feb 2015: https://gitlab.maikel.pro/maikeldus/WhatsSpy-Public/ It's not actively maintained anymore but Maikel deserves some credit for it.

Wanted to post the same. Note that this project used an own client, instead of scraping the webinterface. Which is by far superior, because you don't need an active charged phone and can scale much better. yowsup is still around and working.

Do you happen to know if it’s still working without heavy modifications?

Probably not, it used Chat-API [0], but the developer is kind of an asshole. But I admit, people just post stupid issues all the time. However I don't share the developers opinion that this was abused. My friends and I haven't received spam messages on Whatsapp. I admit that may be a small sample size, but still.

[0] https://github.com/mgp25/Chat-API

I did the same about mid 2015 using yowsup (Python API to Whatsapp). But it's was a private project because of legality concerns of hoarding so much data.

Of course, the elephant in the room is that all this info and much more is with WhatsApp, Facebook, Google and what ever garbage app is installed on your phone. I agree that the article is more about targeted surveillance towards certain users but that is where NSA and secret letters come in :).

Very well written article - and I love your drawings! I did a similar story a while back on how you can track your friends sleep patterns using Facebook Messenger [1]. I'm sure there are lots of other services that have this problem, and most users are blissfully unaware.

[1] https://medium.com/@sqrendk/how-you-can-use-facebook-to-trac...

> Facebook sends data to your browser using straightforward HTTP requests that you can easily write a program to mimic.

Shameless plug, I wrote a plugin for Chrome [1] and Firefox [2] to do just that.

(Facebook is the opposite of WhatsApp – you can disable your online/offline status, but not your idle time.)

[1] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/social-network-cha...

[2] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/social-networ...

When stuff like this happen I wonder if we can try to trick the system, overloading it with information, faking things. Couldn't we just somehow make sure we are online all the time (some script pinging the app), then the data would become meaningless..

Just to clarify as a non-user: there's an online status, and a 'last seen' data point, and both can be queried by any user for any user given their telephone number, as often as the querying party likes? And the online status is when the app is open on the phone?

AFAIK If you have them in your contacts and they haven't blocked you, you can access both those data points. If they have disabled last seen, you can still get the the 'online' and 'typing' status.

I suspect a fairly small percentage of users is active enough that you get usable hourly data.

I guess it really depends where. I believe here, where WhatsApp is pretty much the _only_ method of communication, people most definitely check it every few minutes, and especially before they go to bed.

Honest question, isn't this what notifications and icon badges are for? It's easy to see if there's anything new without opening the app.

Related question, does WhatsApp send the heartbeat only when I open the app, or every x minutes as long as it has a network connection?

The notification and icon badges help hide when you're sleeping, but they advertise when you're interacting with someone. You're "unseen" for twenty hours. The guy you're cheating with logs in and sends you a message. Five minutes later, you log in and read it. You wait two hours, read it again and send another message. He doesn't check for an hour. You're so longing for his response, so every five minutes you're logging in "how many ticks? what color? has he read it yet??". Once he's out of his meeting, he (finally noticing the notification) logs in and sends a message. Your activity drops off now that you have your reply, but you nevertheless send yours...

Only if you go on the app

It depends where; in Brazil, for instance, WhatsApp groups are becoming the main social network for a large amount of people—nevermind 1:1 chat.

I think there's more than 1.3 billion users on WhatsApp - its massive - I am personally checking it constantly (> once an hour)

It's certainly a more popular app outside of the USA. They initially gained traction because they were willing to make apps for things other than iphones and androids - which gave them a huge following in the developing world where people may still use 10+ year old candy bars.

This is so true. Where I live most of people started using Whatsapp on old Nokia phones running SymbianOS. It was one of the few decent apps available.

I agree with you, whatsapp is not like Tinder or Facebook you don't open it every 2 minutes to check if there is something new.

That depends on the country. In the US, people still tend to text a lot, but in most of Europe, Whatsapp totally replaced texting.

I never noticed it I don't know anybody at the company using it plus nobody ever asked my why I'm not on WhatsApp.

Right, but you don't need to "check" it since it has notifications.

Source? Just last week I had to explain what whatsapp IS to my friend ... And he is young, what about older generation?

Is this because of their still-utterly-broken roaming model? (supposedly to be remedied soon)

It's probably a combination of high cost of texts at the time when Whatsapp became popular, no limit (or much larger limit) to the size of texts, a reasonable probability of texts not arriving or arriving late and a "fuck telcos for squeezing millions of euros from their users for no other reason than to turn massive profits from texting" attitude.

Soon was June 2017. But I doubt it has anything to do with roaming. Maybe more people paid per SMS for a longer time than in the US? I know I still do; I could add unlimited messages to my monthly contract for 1 EUR or so, but what's the point.

Interesting. My assumption was that Europe was much more okay with pay-per-use than the US was. It was always strange to someone in the US that a European would pay different amounts for a call depending on what kind of phone you were calling, where in the US both parties simply paid for their airtime if they wanted to use mobile phones.

SMS took off faster in Europe than in the US, but we've had bundled packages for so long that the individual cost per text wasn't such an issue, and now on many plans they're unlimited.

I guess the differing cost structure depending on who you're texting and from where may have spurred the adoption of WhatsApp, whereas in the US, even if you WERE paying per text, it was the same across a territory of many thousands of miles and hundreds of millions of people. And, the same way that many folks in the US do not even have a passport, they tend also not to have a reason to text internationally. The size and homogeneity of the country benefits the adoptions of some technologies, but hinders the adoption of others.

I don't know why this was downvoted, because absolutely this is why I started to use WhatsApp. Though the main problem is very high international SMS/call charges. I was in an international distance relationship a couple of years ago, and doing anything over cellular would have bankrupted me.

It is true that international texting is expensive in Europe, whereas inter-state texting is free in US. But while Americans usually have circles of friends spread over several states, an international circle of friends is less common in Europe.

I think the reason is that a typical cell phone plan in Europe was like 5€ per month, plus 0.07 cents per text (or call minute). Whereas typical American plan was $50 month, but unlimited free text and calls. So people who text lot didn't want to pay even for the tiny amounts for individual text messages, and migrated to using apps.

The all-inclusive fixed price monthly plans are only now getting more popular in Europe.

It's also because it's much easier sending photos and live recordings using whatsapp compared to any other app outhere (FB is too clunky, the rest of the apps don't have a critical mass in most of Europe.

SMS are expensive in some countries, even without roaming. I'd pay 0.10€ for every message, if I ever sent any.

Do you really check Tinder for new "content" every two minutes?

> The company said that, on average, people log into the app 11 times a day


But yes not every 2 minutes

WhatsApp will definitely be opened more than 11 times a day. I would argue the average is a lot closer to 11 times an hour than 11 times a day.

That's a per-country thing. There are countries where Whatsapp is the de-facto standard for passing information.

I live in Colombia, before then Mexico, and yes you do check on it every 2 minutes everyone does, at least in Latin America

Same in India.

It is in a lot of countries.

That's even worse, because it makes it easier to correlate when two people are Whatsapping with each other. If they both happen to be online at the same time a lot...

In some countries WhatsApp is the main form of communication between friends and people are on it every waking minute.

I suspect the opposite - given that whatsapp dominates texting in europe, and twice as many people live in europe as the USA (which is upon what i suspect you base your assumption here)

Oh come on, "whatsapp dominates texting in europe"? You do not know every country ;) Based on my experience it would actually be opposite, but I am not going to extrapolate to whole continent.

Brazilian here, I probably check Whatsapp +50 times a day and I'm not a heavy user.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I haven't ever used WhatsApp. Is there a huge benefit to using it over SMS, or something similar?

Particularly for those living in Europe, or those that have a lot of international friends - all with phone numbers from different countries - it's a godsend. My phone bill would be ridiculous if I were texting my friends in Sweden or Brazil from my Dutch SIM. iMessage for similar reasons.

Also the group messages are great. My housemates and I all talk via a WhatsApp group. It makes it far easier to hold a coherent group conversation when some of us aren't at home. SMS would be a ballache.

Oh and GIFs, voice messages, and videos can be sent in messages. Free calling too. I can call my friends in Australia for nothing, and it's not a bullshit experience like Skype.

I almost never send true blue SMS any longer.

* SMS delivery isn't guaranteed.

* SMS don't have read receipt.

* SMS depends on cellular connectivity.

* SMS and MMS have very limited media transfer support.

* SMS don't have feature similar to groups.

>* SMS don't have read receipt.

I feel like this is a pro.

While I can see your point, it really depends on usage purpose and taste. For many this is the most valuable feature of the app.

You can disable it in WhatsApp.

> * SMS don't have read receipt.

Yes, they do. iPhones don't seem to do that, but old GSM phones did it (like my first phone, Ericsson T20, which got released in 2000). Androids have read reports in the default message app, if I'm not mistaken.

No, they don't. The protocol supports delivery report only. And the meaning of that report isn't necessarily what you believe or wish it to be: ...the exact meaning of confirmations varies from reaching the network, to being queued for sending, to being sent, to receiving a confirmation of receipt from the target device...(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS)

Whatsapp doesn't have a read receipt either. Just because the message was displayed, doesn't mean it was read.

Nor does it test the recipient understanding of the content. But that's missing the point. The app lets you know that your message delivered to the recipient and then lets you know that it was opened (not merely viewed as a notification). This is a useful feature that SMS lacks.

You are mistaken. They do make a distinction between actually read and just delivered.

The point was that being displayed on my screen doesn't mean I read it. For instance, I have a problem where sometimes I'll log in to my phone and an app will be active. I don't want that app; I need to do a bank transaction. But now someone thinks their message has been read, when so far from reading it I don't even know it exists! It was just displayed on my screen for half a moment when my eyes and my attention was somewhere else. (Another common problem I have is when I send a message, and then they reply so fast that the message arrives at about the same time as I'm trying to return to the homescreen to ensure I get a notification when the message arrives. Well unfortunately the message arrived first, got marked as read and no notification exists. After twenty minutes I realise what happens but maybe I've already offended someone by "reading" their message and ignoring it.)

Delivered vs read is only accurate if you have an eye tracker.

How do they do that? Opened the message on device != read.

Group messages don't really work over sms with different device types. Same for attachments, multimedia, location data.

I find services like WeChat or Line to be superior based entirely on the fact that you can have an actual username. I'm still not sure why whatsapp forces you to use and exchange long sets of numbers to get someone's contact.

Obviously WeChat is not secure in any way, though ;)

It's free (unlike SMS or MMS) and back in the day it was the only service that worked reliably on all mobile platforms and didn't use PINs or usernames--just the phone numbers in your contact list so it was plug&play: just install it and you can talk to everybody.

People avoid thinking too much about things that are working as advertised. How many people wonder about how exactly their cars work or the global financial system works yet they are impacted by both of these. They may reserve curiosity for other things depending on their interests.

And here the problem begins, a lot of software engineers seem to conflate this disinterest to stupidity and think this gives them a right to do whatever they want with other people's data.

There is a fundamental lack of understanding and respect of other people rights and privacy and an easy dehumanization that is disconnected from human society and the evolution of fundamental rights like like the right to privacy. Regulation will catch up and eventually address this as more people become aware but is a troubling reflection of a large part of the software ecosystem.

Huh; why on Earth does WhatsApp make the default visibility of your "last seen" to "everyone"?! Also, speaking of 'tracking', I'd love to be able to track the sources of fake news forwards, but I assume such a technique would not work for anything like that.

I think I did almost the same thing three years ago. See: https://www.v2ex.com/t/121272 (in Chinese only, sorry. I should translate it to English when I'm free)

Always wondered what would happen if someone was to happen to have every valid US/CAN number in their contact list (all 3-4 billion), since WhatsApp doesn't validate you actually know the contact just that you have their phone number.

They ban your IP. Anyway with some effort you can deanonimize a lot of numbers (eg: status/name/profile photo).

Is there a known upper limit on the number of #s one account can have?

I suppose you could use that limit to set up enough WhatsApp accounts on proxies to effectively have access to all registered #s?

There's another startup idea.

The idea being you incentive WhatsApp users to install your app that then harvests all their contacts and collates the "last seen" info on all of them. If they delete your app, you setup a proxy to imitate their device and continue the monitoring. Have a privacy policy that is super strong but has a couple "loopholes" that one can drive a truck through.

Is that the idea? Seems doable if you're not too risk averse, have no family and live in a country with weak extradition laws. Kidding, there's nothing illegal about any of this stuff or FB, Google and lots of other companies would not be in business.

FB would have a civil claim against you -- they paid several billion dollars for the legal right to all that user data!

You wouldn't need an app or other WhatsApp users beyond your distributed proxy accounts. You'd be running the monitoring through these proxies.

Creating an app with the sole purpose of backdooring WhatsApp on a user's phone seems like it'd open you up to a lot of lawsuits. Ethically its a mite more questionable, but the original article is still unethical in that you're monitoring people without consent.

Like I said above, I'd do this just so that they'd crack down on it. It's still a "means justify the ends" argument, however, so you have to be quite comfortable with moral relativism.

It might be worth doing just so WhatsApp will change how they validate access to #s.

I don't see why people suddenly panic about it.. That's not a new thing. I wrote my own Tracking app over 2 years ago. I still have the code and database laying around. I was using https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup back then. Back then you could even see when people requested your online-status. Meaning you could see when they opened your chat. Back then I used that to see if my message have been read because the message-read notification didn't exist back then.

I'm increasingly inclined to keep my phone on airplane mode for most of the day.

Now, I just need to train people into calling me only between x:00 and x:05. But I don't get many calls anymore, everybody texts...

Similar "online status tracking" has been used for Facebook messenger in the past. I know Facebook removed send-location by default, but I'm not sure if the API still allows pulling online status.


Stalking Your Friends with Facebook Messenger | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9609286 (May 2015, 185 comments)

when you send a message from the Messenger app there is an option to send your location with it

the mobile app for Facebook Messenger defaults to sending a location with all messages

The only issue here is that WhatsApp lets you see the status of people who don't have you as a contact. The rest is utterly underwhelming.

One thing I loved about ICQ-esque IM services was that you could clearly see whether a contact was online or not. I still feel weird starting a conversation on WhatsApp because of the lack of clear visual cues of the contact's status.

Reminds me of an article I wrote up about tracking who's talking to who on WhatsApp: https://medium.com/p/finding-out-if-2-people-are-chatting-to...

A few days ago I tried to track people on WhatsApp even if their "Last Seen" was hidden. https://hackernoon.com/uhoh-did-i-break-whatsapps-last-seen-...

I might be wrong here, but what if I change my settings to "not show the last seen status"? I guess in that case this doesn't work. Yes, I believe checking "Online" status frequently does give some information about my activity. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

I was thinking the same. I haven't seen any of my friend with last seen status enabled.

If you disable on your account, you can't see the last seen status of your friends, even if they have it enabled.

Loved the article. The increasing pace with the article gives you a rush which was amazing!

Very well written.

Just turned that "feature" off in mine. I am glad people point out stuff like this.

Is Facebook still spitting out similar crap? I checked the console and there is a reassuring looking message there, but I am not up to date.

Nice and very well written article,most of my friends use whatsapp and would be mortified if they actually understood most of this.

Even without, unfortunately (I'm sure they are wonderful), knowing your friends, I bet you a cookie that they don't care.

Enjoyed the article, but my favourite part is the reference to Garth Marenghi's Darkplace in the description.

Whatsapp's opening an API for businesses soon. More abuse on your data. Wait for it.

Brilliantly written Rob Heaton! Bravo!

Well written.

isn't this privacy breach?

What I don't like about WhatsApp is that even if you hide your last connection time, everybody gets to see whether you're online.

I was exactly thinking about this last night. It's bad that WhatsApp doesn't hide the online status.

Just turn off last seen. Duh.

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