This is much more interesting because pretty much everyone only participates in discussions when posts are on the front page - it would be tough to schedule/delay a post and stay relevant. Also, the lock-in after 1 hour (or a reply) preventing deletion is huge.
Some HN participants are now kind of "whales" in the startup community - at the very least, this info could be used to schedule cold-pitch emails! (And this is across the entire archive of past users, not just current users. These habits need not necessarily change much.)
Timestamp metadata is all over the place - GitHub activity graph, blog post comments, etc. -- merging timestamps for the same person across their accounts on all the different services offers amazing insights.
Correct, but this doesn't appear to be group chat. This appears to be individual chat and the timing attacks based on their online presence. Group chat, by default, is going to seriously hinder one's ability to remain private.
There's no way to disable that.