You shouldn't even need a web browser to view this announcement -- it was posted on 27 April 2018 to Assuming you already have a newsreader set up, you can just go ahead and read that message.
I just went ahead and logged in to a machine where I had slrn installed, then signed up for an account with and configured my .slrnrc with
set force_authentication 1
nnrpaccess [user] [password]
In keeping with history of the "Net" prefix of NetHack, this was posted to Usenet in the newsgroup, not a mailing list. Usenet isn't totally dead, it just seems that way from the trendier parts of the Internet. :) That newsgroup is still primary for NetHack.
But sure, there are still more traditional ways to read newsgroups than the Google Groups interface.
(Seriously folks, there's no reason a static site like this should need JS enabled to read, except for tracking purposes.)