Primary goal: preview inside the video on hover (scrub). I may be mistaken but I don't think PLEX has it. Video Hub App also has a filmstrip view and a quick and advanced search capabilities (by folder, file name, exclude, etc). PLEX has many features that my app isn't trying to replicate -- I think the two are aimed at different use cases.
I’m not sure it does the exact thing you’re talking about and I don’t think it’s enabled by default, AND it’s computationally a beast of an operation to do with large libraries, but thumbnails while seeking are supported:
It isn't immediately clear to me, but could someone throw an nginx proxy in front of this and use it like Plex, either over the internet or local network?
1) extract screenshots from videos from a folder you give it (should work over network as far as I can tell -- it works with external hard drives for sure).
2) show a gallery view of your videos. When you click on any video, it launches your OS's default video player.
I'm unsure if/how it would work in the case you describe.