I think graphene gets a bad rap because it's had a very slow ramp up time due to chicken/egg problems in production cost/demand curves, but that's been changing drastically over the last decade. It's come down in cost by multiple orders of magnitude [0] While total sales have been modestly increasing, with projections for massive growth [1] and if there's a steady market cap while marginal costs decrease that much, also means orders of magnitude increases in shipped product.
It's had a lot of growing pains, but we seem to mostly have passed the inflection point in terms of market viability.
It's had a lot of growing pains, but we seem to mostly have passed the inflection point in terms of market viability.
[0] https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Fig-12-Comparison-of-the...
[1] https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/graphene...