Offices use RFID key fobs with local, dedicated hardware. An internet connected mobile phone based entry system is too complex, and will have particular difficulty integrating into the existing supply/service chain for these kind of systems.
We really, really don't need mobile phone based key unlock systems. I een considered building one for our home, but diacarded the idea due to the user experience complexity of having to use my phone instead of a simple key (but still carrying a key in case of failure).
As for Airbnb users, all you need is a programmable keypad (or an RFID entry system.)
We really, really don't need mobile phone based key unlock systems. I een considered building one for our home, but diacarded the idea due to the user experience complexity of having to use my phone instead of a simple key (but still carrying a key in case of failure).
As for Airbnb users, all you need is a programmable keypad (or an RFID entry system.)
This is a solved problem.