If you were to choose one book (or maybe more than one :P) to lure a curious person to your field of study, which will you choose?
For example: How to Design Programs for Computer Science.
Note: It has to be inviting for someone that knows nothing about the field but becomes hooked after reading it. Not some epitome which is revered by experts only.
I started my career in international development, and the book above provides a dozen case studies on states using scientific management, stats, etc. to try and control their growth/populations/economies and failing miserably.
It is a beautiful book in that it illustrates how difficult it is to actually manage a country and economy well, especially if you are trying to completely change it (i.e., "develop" it, solve poverty, etc.). It humbled me as a 22 year old "professional" wanting to fix the world.
"The Death and Life of Great American Cities" by Jane Jacobs is a close second to this theme of economic, technocratic development.
EDIT: I notice 22 upvotes. WOW! If you are a fan of this book or curious to hear more, please comment. Happy to elaborate. If you want a third book, The Evolution of Civilizations[1] is another fun one here. It tries to apply scientific principles and hypothesis testing to historical analysis!
[1] https://10millionsteps.com/review-evolution-of-civilizations