Hey HN,
How do you find meaning at work/life at 31? I'm finally working as an SRE at a company that pays ok but has very good work-life balance and has pretty good career opportunities. I very much wanted to work in infrastructure after toiling away at post-grad life sciences and then help-desky roles for 6 years. I feel like I should be more excited about the type of work I'm currently doing but I just don't feel excited. When I got the news about the job offer, I felt more sadness than happiness (which was completely unexpected).
I feel like I invested way too much time and effort into career and nothing in improving my personal life. I'm spending more effort these days to travel, re-building relationships (which is hard when all of your friends are married & having kids), and finding new hobbies, but everything just feels dead. I'm seeing a therapist and it helps but these feels come and go. I just want to feel excited about life again.
In case it helps, I built a productivity system that aims at assisting in work conditions where this kind of balance is needed (profile).
One other thing to pay attention to during this period is the big-picture / little-picture divide. Sometimes burnout and finding-meaning processes respond best to focusing on one of those at a time, or both.
For the big-picture items, usually that includes words like "meaning" and "reconnecting" and talking about general plans, strategies, and so on. But to satisfy the little-picture focus, it's important to have access to & try out little-picture terms like "today's podcast choice," "today's donut of choice," "today's list of things that suck" (to process them faster, restoring access to good feels), and so on.
Personally I went through a lot of different burnout phases before I found the kind of life that works best for me (i.e. no more burnout, etc.), and I find that an almost rhythmic cycle between big and little picture is very useful. The different perspectives can support each other very well.
Anyway, just some thoughts, good luck with everything.