No, I write the code normally, then I manually lay out the tile calligraphy and build the mosaics by hand. There's no way to automate the process that I know of. It's tricky to get everything to fit together and look right. I am a novice at this stuff, and master calligrapher Mamoun Sakkal's website has been a great help
The writeup could be more clear about how the mosaics are made, though. I'll update it.
Just realized the title was misleading so I removed the word "render."
I don't think the calligraphy is rendered automatically at the moment. Looks like the author is doing it manually. I'm guessing automatic rendering is planned, but not sure of that.
I'm not so interested in automatic generation of calligraphy for this project, to be honest. I find something meditative about spending a lot of time sweating over laying out these algorithms. It mirrors the struggle I had (we all had, I imagine) while trying to understand them in the first place.
Hmm, I see. Do you know if the calligraphy itself could be executed/interpreted? The idea of a visual representation of a program being art but also executable appeals to me.
A friend of the author of QLB here, and I brought up the idea of a visual interpreter to parse the square kufic calligraphy. My understanding (limited as it is by my almost complete ignorance of Arabic) is that certain stackings of adjacent words would be ambiguous to the parser.
This looks very neat but I'm afraid I don't entirely understand it.