I'm sorry, but is this what passes for academic typesetting nowadays? I felt as if I were sitting in some farcical business presentation as my eyes scanned this typographical travesty! This thing is an affront to the eyes as much as to the mind, utter tripe. Don't the mods have any taste? Hacker News is truly in the pits now.
Interestingly, while Google Scholar has indexed the paper (from another site), it's actually only ranked number 2 for the query "chicken chicken chicken: chicken chicken":
It's satire. Pretty good satire, IMO. If someone had simply dumped the word chicken in to a document broken in to paragraphs, it probably wouldn't get many laughs, but this document is very well executed.
When you look at a lot of academic papers, you begin to notice patterns. It's very easy to get wrapped up in what you're doing, looking past how silly some of it can be. This document takes it to the extreme, but there are plenty of papers published on mind numbingly banal topics.
That's why it's funny. It's a means of poking fun at one's self.
It is grammatically correct, since nouns can be verbed -- chicken can be a noun, verb and even adjective, even though its verb form doesn't have a defined meaning -- it's just meaningless. Think of it like this:
It doesn't lend itself well to strings of words longer than 3 though, because you can't "chicken" someone, as far as I know - and I don't intend on visiting Urban Dictionary to find out.
Yeah, that post entry gets traction when other newsworthy stuff gets canned. HN is slowly slipping into a weird dimension where Zombies are taking over ...
HN has always had room for the occasional off beat. Since this is a clever parody of a stock computer science paper, it's not even a stretch to understand why it got upvoted. I admit that I didn't get it, though, until I watched the (much funnier) video. It's really a parody of a stock computer science talk, with associated paper.