It's satire. Pretty good satire, IMO. If someone had simply dumped the word chicken in to a document broken in to paragraphs, it probably wouldn't get many laughs, but this document is very well executed.
When you look at a lot of academic papers, you begin to notice patterns. It's very easy to get wrapped up in what you're doing, looking past how silly some of it can be. This document takes it to the extreme, but there are plenty of papers published on mind numbingly banal topics.
That's why it's funny. It's a means of poking fun at one's self.
When you look at a lot of academic papers, you begin to notice patterns. It's very easy to get wrapped up in what you're doing, looking past how silly some of it can be. This document takes it to the extreme, but there are plenty of papers published on mind numbingly banal topics.
That's why it's funny. It's a means of poking fun at one's self.