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created:October 16, 2015
about:Large cash bounties are being placed on cryptocurrency pump & dumpers whistleblower programs.

I've scraped hundreds of ICO pump & dump chat logs and will be forwarding this to my contact at SEC's whistleblower program.

You stole from innocent people by tricking them with pseudo-academics but you forgot that the US Security Law never changes.

If your heart and mind is racing as you read my profile page, it probably means that there's a good chance I've submitted screenshots and chat logs, all independently verifiable through a court ordered subpoena, and that you probably now have DOJ on your ass too.

Sorry but I'm not accepting any crypto or other bullshit. I'm doing this straight old fashioned American way. Bringing justice by exposing evidence directly to SEC & DOJ.

I can see why you might be angry with me but you should've thought about the thousands of investors you've angered by exit scamming. All of whom are eager to give up any information they already have on you. Even your inner circle, somebody has already cut a deal probably, and posting more evidence of securities fraud on a private Telegram channel, which we will be scouring to discover any cross usernames on other social media platform, in an effort to identify their real nationality and identities.

Karma is 23.7gb of screenshot/text logs/cross-referenced social media presence submitted to in whistleblower@sec.gov as of this Wednesday.

Even the best defense attorney won't be able to help you out when there are thousands of pieces of evidences and statements that indicate intent to defraud, and commit securities fraud.

It's no surprise that a lot of them, this isn't there first strike, so under some States, this time around, the punishment should be more severe.

Crime doesn't pay folks, justice does, and I'm about to collect more money than any average joe will from investing a crypto scam.

Hopefully reading this will now put you at peace about what to expect over the next year or two--lots and lots of email and reading that your lawyer will charge a ridiculous amount for, but necessary for a plea bargain.

You crypto pump & dumpers played with fire, and you will get your just reward in due time.
