Hey all,
I'm keen to learn how you can move from 'traditional' tech roles into game development. I love games and, while I know there are some issues re: salary & hours worked, still think I'd regret not trying it myself.
What are the usual sideways paths one can take to go that way? My tech stack is almost definitely irrelevant; Python, JS, Rust, Haskell, etc...
Any tips from the game devs out there?
My advice to everyone wanting to enter gamedev is the same as for everyone wanting to start a startup: Be realistic about failure. It’s a high risk, high reward business with tons of uncertainty. It’s easy and common to be so enthusiastic about working hard to succeed against impossible odds that failure become a “Voldemort” term that shall not be spoken..
But, if you are realistic about the fact that “risk” includes the possibility of failure, you can be realistic about what failure means and what you plan to do when it occurs. If failure means your family will literally be homeless and starving, don’t take that risk! If it means your dreams don’t come true and you’ll have to go back to some boring desk job… Well that’s a bummer. But, it’s not anything to be afraid of.
Be sure to have enough money in the bank to pay the bills if you suddenly, unexpectedly have no job and need to find another. Be a coworker who people want to work with again because people who leave your company before you are how you land your job at the next company.